Back Rounding
Many Olympic lifts are made or missed the moment the bar separates from the floor. During this initial pull from the ground, it is crucial that the back stays completely flat and the lifter keeps a slight arch in their lower back.
3 Lessons I Learned from the NPGL
Prioritize Your Time, Build a Team, Change Your Habits, Rest, and Remember the Golden Rule
Finishing the Pull
Many Crossfitters and Olympic weightlifters constantly hear the term “finish your pull” from their coaches. But what are their coaches really trying to tell them?
Carbohydrate Timing for Optimal Body Composition
Eating carbohydrates at the right time during the day is the most effective way to shed unwanted body fat and insure adequate energy for exercise. Deciding when to eat carbohydrates is simple: only eat large doses of carbohydrates after you workout! The science behind this idea makes perfect sense, and not doing this is a common mistake made by a very large percentage of our population.
The Great Debate: Front Squats vs. Back Squats
Front squats vs. back squats. Which one is more important? To help answer this question, we must first discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Train Smarter Not Harder
The current way of thinking in sports and in much of the working world is to just “work harder.” A great work ethic is a requirement if you want to be “great” or “the best” at something. With that said, many times this idea of “just work harder” causes diminishing returns in terms of performance and productivity.