Fixing your second and third pull on the Olympic Lifts
Once the athlete passes the knees the shoulders should be over the bar. Then the athlete sweeps the bar in with the lats and the bar is gently brushed up the thigh. The hips scoop the bar in as we say.
Are you Using your foam roller wrong?
Foam rollers are ubiquitous with any type of fitness and are found in bulk laying around CrossFit gyms world wide. There is good reason for the abundance of foam available to roll on, they work, and so do screw drivers, just for something totally different. We made this analogy because we want you to start thinking about your foam roller differently. Think of it like a screw driver in the sense that it has a very specific purpose and for that purpose it is very well suited.
The Principles of Effective Coaching: Intermediate to Advanced level lifters Part. 2
When an athlete addresses the bar and begins their setup you as a coach have an invaluable time frame where you can correct the athlete before he/she even begins to move. The setup is by far the easiest part of the lift to coach and correct. If the athlete begins a lift correctly there is a much higher chance they will finish correctly.
Shoulder Impingement
Shoulder impingement is often diagnosed, modified for, and unfortunately mismanaged. You might have shoulder impingement, it's common so there would be nothing surprising about it, the tragedy is that most people who experience it are told by their doctors that CrossFit and overhead lifting in general are a bad idea for them.
The Principles of Effective Coaching: Intermediate to Advanced level lifters Part.1
Alright guys let’s face it; the Olympic lifts have long been looked at as hazardous by many college and high school strength coaches. The reasoning for this is not that their athletes cannot perform these lifts. It is because the coaches lack the sufficient understanding of the lifts and do not feel comfortable teaching the technique.
Five tips to a Regionals ready Pistol
The constant struggle for pistol squats is real, but have you ever stopped and noticed how many people work on their pistols all the time without ever getting one? We attribute this disappointment to athletes skipping the basics by diagnosing a deficiency before putting forward a plan to fix it.