The Gears of the Gymnastics Motor: Static Positioning
One of the most emphasized aspects of artistic gymnastics is one of the most widely overlooked in competitive fitness gymnastics, and that is static body positioning. In gymnastics there are descriptive terms for a variety of common positions of the core, arms and legs including: arch, hollow, tuck, pike, straddle, stalder, lunge, ‘puck’, ‘cowboy’, blocked out, lever, planche, plank, pressed out, etc. All of these terms and innumerable other variations are combined to create common body positions. These positions form the building blocks of gymnastics skill and successful manipulation of the body in space.
How to know if you are pound for pound stronger than your friends
Have you ever wondered how your 245 clean stacks up to that one big guy in the gym who cleans 275? Maybe he’s 60 pounds heavier than you and you are thinking there must be some way to accurately measure the difference pound for pound. There is a way!