Split Jerk Performance Points
The split jerk is utilized by most Weightlifters vs. the power jerk or squat jerk due to less balance being required to stabilize the weight overhead.
Strength and Mobility Programming for Joint Health
The phrase “you have to get lower” is probably uttered from coach to athlete on squat day in CrossFit gyms more than just about anything else, but what if getting lower in the squat is actually a bad idea for the athlete being coached?
2016 Brute Athlete Camp
Over the course of two days, attendees will receive hands-on coaching and guidance directly from members of the Brute coaching staff, including: Chris Hinshaw, Matt Bruce, Nick Sorrel, Sean Pastuch, Nick Fowler and Mike Cazayoux. Attendees will also have the opportunity to train alongside prominent Brute athletes Tommy Hackenbruck, Adrian Conway, Jacob Hutton, and Brooke Ence.
BRUTE Big Tips: Gear & Equipment
Adrian Conway talks what gear you need, when you need it, and how to optimize your performance with and without it.
BRUTE OLY Tip: The Bar Crash
One of the most common flaws in cleans is the bar crash. BRUTE OLY coach Jeff Wittmer breaks down "the crash" and gives a few tips and drills on how to improve your clean. Sign up for BRUTE OLY to receive tips like this weekly.
BRUTE Big Tips: More Work, Less Time
Spend too much time at the gym? Compromising other aspects of your fitness because you "don't have enough time." BRUTE coach Adrian Conway breaks down how to get more work done in your workout, faster.