Donkey Kicking
Have you ever watched Luis Mosquera snatch over 140 kilos on international stage? It is something of beauty, and it takes no slowmo camera to realize he is bringing his feet up almost 3 inches to shift them.
The small differences in elite athletes
This week we are discussing a question received in a weekly check in concerning the difference in a top spot at the games and an okay finish at the games
Clean Deadlift: Oly vs Powerlifting
The clean deadlift and the powerlifting deadlift both have their place in the functional fitness world.
Be on the look out for the release of the livecast with Adrian Conway and Michael Cazayoux about the Wasatch Brutes winning the Affiliate Cup and the lessons learned from that experience!
When and what exercises to wear a belt
Everyone knows that one guy in the gym who comes in with a mountain full of gear. Belt, wrist wraps, straps, hookgrip tape, knee sleeves, and maybe even some special chalk. Every set is done with all of this equipment on. How necessary are these things, particularly a belt?
On August 22nd at 4:30PM CST join Adrian Conway and Michael Cazayoux for a Livecast about the Wasatch Brutes winning the Affiliate Cup and the lessons learned from that experience! You can watch the Livecast right here on the Brute Strength FB page! You don't want to miss this one!